
  • V. V. Dyomina

Ключові слова:

bicultural, bilingualism, bilingual communication, bilingual communication culture, future teachers of foreign language education


The article reveals the actual problem of modern pedagogical education professional training and education of bilingual culture in future teachers of a foreign language. New conditions for the development of modern society strongly dictate the need for training specialists with a high level of bilingual culture, able to solve complex issues of intercultural interaction, capable of rapid social adaptation and cultural integration in a constantly changing, increasingly interconnected world, increasing global problems and crises.
The regularities and principles laid down in the organizational and methodological system of education of the future teacher-philologist are grounded: the principle of humanistic personality development in the process of foreign language education, the principle of continuity, the principle of interdisciplinary humanitarization and integration, the principle of dialogue of cultures, the principle of pedagogical support of socio-cultural adaptation of the individual in a constantly changing multicultural world.
The following are determined by the laws of professional education of the future teacher of a foreign language: active, productive personal-significant educational and cognitive activity in mastering a foreign language based on the relations of humanity, cooperation, partnership; a comprehensive account of the personal component and the subordination of all elements of the education and upbringing system to personality-forming, personally developing processes.


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